Monday, May 25, 2009

Una Semana

My dear bloggees, (bloggers? bloggees? bloggees.)

Yes yes, it has been 1 week since I arrived in Boston, Massachusetts . As I look back and remember what I wrote each day, I'd have to say that it has gotten better and better each day. I get to know more of the workers, I get a feel for Fenway and Boston, my boss is starting to realize that I am not a crappy worker and oh yea, I work at the oldest baseball stadium still standing. I have worked every day since last Tuesday which adds up to a whopping 70 hrs or so. Tomorrow, I get a day off! Hooray.

Today was rather uneventful. We are having 2 concerts this upcoming weekend so we started to prepare for those. Who's coming in town? Oh yea, I almost forgot. Mr. David J Matthews and friends will be at Fenway Park Friday and Saturday night, and Phish (sp?) will be there on Sunday. With that comes a lot of preparation: building a stage, putting temporary floor down in the outfield, sound checks, lights, all of that. Good thing we don't have to do ANY of it!! They actually have crews that come in a do it all. The best part about it is that all we have to do is stand alongside the grass and make sure no one walks on, drives a fork lift on, or mingles on the grass. I did a lot of that today, stood for a total of 4 hours or so just watching as they erected a massive stage into center field near the green monster. The only downfall with that is the grass will die and we will have to work our butts off to get it green and growing again. It will be a good experience for me and I'm anxious (a little bit) to see how we are going to deal with it.

That was about it for Monday, May 25th. Sorry-nothing too exciting. I supposed yesterdays makes up for that. Yes? Good. Thanks for reading. I love that you all are following so consistently.

Perhaps I'll wander around downtown tomorrow and see what its like. I hope I don't get lost. Surely I won't. But before that comes sleep. And lots of it. One of my bosses today at about 7:30 goes, "Phil get out of here man. Get some sleep, you look exhausted!" And I am! I'll quit wasting your time now. Take care, and have a great Tuesday!

got 2 free meals today--oh how I love the big leagues,


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