Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sod, Insta-Grass...A groundskeepers Best Friend

*Just a 2 turkeys outside our room, they're here all the time!

Ow Ow,

Ni Hao. It's allllmost Friday! Get excited. Hope you all had a great Thursday! Mine was pretty great, I must say. Woke up at 6:30, went to work at 7:30. Laid some freshly cut KB (kentucky bluegrass) sod in left field. Why in left field? Oh, because Jason Bay--the Sox Left fielder--has a habit of brushing his feet in one place as he stands there between pitches. So we have to replace a 4 ft x 12 ft piece of turf after every home stand. It's okay, they're pros. They can do
as they please. We got 3 rolls of sod. Not small rolls, pretty big ones. The soil was still wet which made the rolls weigh 6 to 700 lbs. Lets just say it would've been nice to have some sort of machinery to pick the rolls up. Instead we did it the old fashion way. I have muscles--just not big ones. :) I got designated as the tarp re-arranger instead of lifting. After that me and another guy took plugs from the other roles of sod and replaced some spots in the outfield where a weed was starting to grow. After that, my day was pretty much complete. It was definitely nice to have the afternoon off! We went downtown again and did some shopping. Feel pretty comfortable now about where I am when I'm down there. I feel like there are still places out there though that are waiting for me to see. I got paid last night and have more money coming from my previous weeks working! Pretty excited about that!

Tomorrow the Rangers come to Boston for 3 games. I will go in tomorrow at 10, as it is supposed to rain tomorrow afternoon here in Boston. According to the "forecast" its not supposed to stop until like 5 am on Saturday. We might get rained out tomorrow--who knows. I just go with it, whatever happens happens. Awesome. Thanks for reading. You guys are great and I like you a lot.

Happy Friday, make it a good one tomorrow :)

Pete--congrats on the new job, so awesome!
Dad--when you come, maybe bring your gun. According to the picture above, they like Boston? :)

already memorizing lines that the tour guys say on a day to day basis,
-such as--"we don't pronounce monster with the "r" the "r" is silent, so like monsta. Just like there is no pee in the water! what do you mean there is no pee in water. you're trying to tell me theres no pee in the water!"


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