Monday, August 3, 2009


I had another day off today, which was greaaat! I woke up and worked out this morning. After that I took a shower after I cooled off a bit. Headed to my favorite place, the Apple store and got a protective film for my phone. They are just SO friendly there, I swear. It doesn't surprise me though--its Apple. :D After that I came home and read for most of the afternoon. I made a much needed, but small trip to the supermarket. I didn't want to buy too much, but enough to hold me over till next Wednesday. I think I should be good? We'll see. Our internet was out most of the day for some reason. Foolish. Ended up eating dinner here and then went out for ice cream with the giiirrls and Wes. Was a great night here in Boston! Windy, with a bit of a chill in the air. :)

Saw that silly turkey again today. It was making noises outside my window. I looked out there about 20 mins later and I saw a man carrying around a big net. I suppose he was looking to catch him a turkey. Bahaha. Its back to work tomorrow for a day, then I have Wednesday off. Not much going on at the park with the concerts going down. I get to work the McCartney concert on Thursday, so I'll get to experience him yet again. Woot woot. After that its a bit of field maintenance and a Futures game on Saturday. After that--I call it quits. Hard to believe its almost over. I'll share more of my thoughts and feelings later on. I have lots.

Hope your dreaded MONDAYS were just so great. Keep having fun, and smile!

shark week--nuff said,


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