Friday, August 7, 2009

Yes Sir


Listen. Last night I was fortunate enough to get to attend the Paul McCartney concert at Fenway Park. Not only did I attend, but I got paid to attend. Funny thing was, the people who had seats that were about 10 feet from me apparently paid around $200 for them. Suckers.

Now. Im not a huge McCartney fan, nor am I a huge Beatle fan. But, I listen to them and for sure appreciate their tunes. Im a fan, just not a super fan. If you recall, I saw Sir Paul perform live in New York a few weeks ago. He was good then, but better last night. The stage was huge, bigger than the one for DMB and Phish. It had 2 massive video screens that ran the height of the stage and another longer one located behind the band that ran the length of the stage. Around 7:50, here comes Sir Paul, dressed in blue dress pants, the same longsleeve pink shirt that he wore in New York, and a blue pea coat. Why in the heck was he wearing a pea coat? I don't have a clue. But he was, and he looked very....well, English, if you will. Thanks to the video screens I was able to see his facial expressions and see him play and sing much closer. While I listened to him play I couldn't help but think to myself, "wow, I'm really witnessing one of the Beatles play right in front of me." A member of one of the most popular bands in all of music, a man who has had girls yell at the top of their lungs because of the sweet sound of Hey Jude, or I Want to Hold Your Hand, was performing just 50 yards in front of me. What! It was amazing to see him say "lets give it up for my friend John" (John Lennon) and watching all of Fenway give him a standing ovation. Incredible.

Paul played his bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, mandolin, yuka laylee, and piano. Most definitely a talented man. There were fireworks, pyrotechnics and lots of crazy lights. He played 2 encores, and then said goodbye to Boston in the midst of pounds of confetti being shot off the stage. Confetti=cool. Confetti and working on the grounds crew=not cool. It was a pain in the butt cleaning it all up today, as well as some last night.

Today we had to get the field back into baseball playing shape. Not an easy task. Started off by blowing the whole outfield 3 times with backpack blowers to stand the grass blades back up, as they were matted down by the Terra Plas flooring from the concert. After that I spent most of the day just cleaning up around the field and putting things back into order. It seemed like it was a 20 hour work day, but I was just there from 7-7:30.

Tomorrow we have the double header at the park for the "Futures at Fenway". Should be a long day again, but less strenuous. :) I'm off Sunday, and then back to work the games on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday will be my last game/day at work. Sad day.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

won't ever look at a piece of confetti the same,


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