Thursday, August 6, 2009


Yesterday, I had the day off. I worked out in the morning and then walked around a bit in the afternoon. I hung out with some friends last night and walked around Fenway. It was nice to hear Paul McCartney as background music as we walked around the city. Almost spoiled really... I worked on some assignments for my internship and actually got pretty far on part of it. Stayed up semi late talking with friends and just hanging out.

I work the 2nd concert tonight at 4:30. Hopefully I'll get a descent spot to stand where I'll be able to see the stage and watch Paul perform. I like the Beatles, therefore I like Paul. It will be fun to see him and definitely a unique experience. Tomorrow I'll work at 7am as we'll try to put Fenway Park back into a baseball field and not a amphitheater. Saturday will be my last day and then its get ready to go home. Lots of packing and figuring out to do with the stuff I won't bring back that I NEEDED to buy. Should be interesting.

Safe travels to all my project friends who come home today or soon! Hope your summers were great :) Can't wait to see all of you real real soon!

is so tired of living in a dorm room,


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