Friday, July 10, 2009

Alllllright Little Quackers


Sorry I haven't updated for the past day or so. My family has been in town and I have been with them at their hotel and haven't had much access to a computer. I'll start with Wednesday night. I went in for the game because they were expecting rain. After the game I called the family and took a cab to their hotel. My dad said he would pay for the cab and almost paid a complete stranger, as he thought it was me in there. When I finally pulled up he and my mom came running out and my dad paid. It was so great to see them after 2 months!! My little brother, aunt, uncle, and cousin also met me in the lobby of the hotel. Shortly after that we went to bed.

The next day we walked to my dorm room at Emmanuel and I showed them a bit around there. I picked up some clothes and then we headed towards my place of work, Fenway Park. It was so fun to see their reaction to the park, as it is with every single person who walks down Yawkey Way. We went to the team store, and the family seriously stalked up on Red Sox attire. Good thing I get 50% off, huh? Shortly after that we walked to the Prudential Center and got a bite to eat. When finished we headed to our "Boston Duck Tour". Something similar to "Ride the Ducks" at Branson and the Lake of the Ozarks. It was fun to get a tour of Boston and see new things! The driver/tourguide was really funny too.

Afterwards we all headed to one of my favorite places in the world, The Apple Store. There I was surprised by my parents giving me an iPhone 3Gs for my Birthday. What!!!!? Pretty excited about that. :) That took kind of a long time, so we all parted ways after that until the game. I went to work at 5:3o. I was actually a bit nervous this game. I can work in front of 40,000 fans any day, but working in front of 10 family members you really do get butterflies in your stomach. They got to see a great game though! Lots of runs, a few home runs and a Royals win. Either way it was a win win situation for them. They took a lot of pictures that I will probably add to facebook. It takes a long time to add them to this thing. I'll add a few though. :)

My parents just left to take my brother Will back to the airport. He has to fly back today in order to make it back for a soccer showcase in Stl all weekend. Good luck buddy! I'm not sure what else is on the agenda for the day. I have the full day off so it should be fun! I'm excited.

So, thats an update of the past few days. Hope you all are doing great. We're having great weather here right now. :)

hop up out of beeeeeeeed turn my swaaag on,


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