Sunday, July 26, 2009


I had the day off yesterday which was nice. I didn't do all that much. Went shopping here and there and grabbed some lunch. Last night I ended up going out to celebrate my birthday. Went to Game On, which is located right outside Fenway. Met a few guys from work there and had a GREAT time with them all. Gosh, they are all hilarious. We had a good time dancing and making it fun for complete strangers. Good times.

Today I got called into work at 10 am and worked through the game this afternoon. I guess they were expecting rain, but it never rained a drop while I was there. :/ It was good though, to get a few hours in to start the work week. Tomorrow its back at it at 6:30 am. It will probably be a long day, and a long 4 days--as it is supposed to rain every day but Tuesday. Oh well, I have lived through many rainy days while here so I think I can handle it! Not gonna lie, I'm ready for some dry Missouri weather.

Hope everyones Sunday's were great. Thanks again to all of you for making my 22 birthday such a memorial one! Miss you all!

if you like pena coladas and hate gettin stuck in this lane,


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