Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nice Way to Start July=Rain


Sorry I didn't write a whole lot yesterday. I was a little frustrated and well the only thing I felt like writing about was God, and how wonderful he is. Even in the worst of times he can be so great. :) Those are just a couple of verses that make me smile and give me hope on days like yesterday. Today was better though.

July 1st. 23 days until I turn 22. Does that mean I'm getting old? Awesoooome. We put the tarp on last night b/c of the infield being so wet, and with rain predicted to come. Whats new--it didn't rain. We pulled the tarp off bright and early at 7am and did some work on the field. Me and 4 other guys, we picked up "pebbles". I will never look at a pebble the same way again. These are pebbles smaller than a pea that we have to pick up off the infield. We had bottles full of them when we quit picking them up. Its not too bad for the first 20 minutes or so, but after 4 hours of it---it gets a little ridiculous. We battled the rain all day, and then it finally rained and set in at about 1 or so. We waited around all day just in case the sun would pop back up b/c when it does, it gets wicked hot under the tarp--and that means scorched grass. The sun never came back but we stayed until 6 when the rain finally stopped. We pulled the tarp and dumped all the water off--soooo heavy. After that they rolled the infield and we worked for another 30 minutes on things our boss wanted to get done before tomorrow. Ended up putting the tarp back on and getting out of there for the day. I've already put in 31 hours for the week and am expected to be at the field at 7am the next 2 days. Good money, I guess.

Request! PRAY PRAY PRAY for some sunshine. Everyone (me included) is down in the dumps about all this rain, and we need some sun in our lives. Also because if it rains then I wont get to spend time with my awesome family when they come. And that would suck. So pray :)

Ok, going to relax before bedtime and then do it ALL over again. :)

Love and miss you all!

laughed a lot today,


1 comment:

  1. It warms a mother's heart to hear her son laughed a lot today. :) Also, check out the weather forecast for Boston next week. Two days of sunshine in a row predicted the day we arrive!!
