Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day off!


Hows everyone? Hope well! Had my first FULL day off today after working for 11 straight days here in Boston. Not saying there is anything wrong with that, just sayin. Slept in today and left campus around 12:30 or so. We walked downtown to the Prudential Center and grabbed some lunch at Qdoba. We love burritos, a lot. The Prudential center has a few stores at the base including a food court where we ate. Wes made small talk with some lady at a store, and I looked around. After that we went to, where else? The Apple store. Its 3 floors and each floor is magical. I ended up buying some sort of protection thing for my mac, so far its pretty great! After the Apple store we walked around a bit, went in and out of some shops and ended up a bit lost. We found ourselves walking around in China Town for a good 10 minutes or so. We found our way out, and walked through a park. It was a very nice day here in Boston, so you better believe everyone was out enjoying the weather. We found our road and walked home. We stopped at Seven Eleven for a slurpie and then later on at the Red Sox team store. With DMB fans still in town the streets were still pretty crowded, scalpers everywhere, and the smell of weed in the air. Wes and I even saw a guy selling some weed bowls to 2 girls. Oh DMB fans.

The rest of the day we spent doing just about nothing. We stayed in for dinner and did some laundry. We FINALLY got ahold of a broom and were able to sweep our nasty room. It was so gross that we had 2 dirt piles. Sick me out. We also went to Shaws, and picked up a few necessary items. Wait. Are Nutty Bars, Oatmeal Creme Pies, and Gatorades really necessary? Oh well. Tomorrow is going to be a long day/night for me. I go in to work at 5 for the Phish concert...should be hilarious. I have to work an overnight shift until about 5 or 6 am on Monday. So I'll be spending most of Monday in Bed. Depending on how much sleep I get and how I feel, I may take off Tuesday too. The boss said it didn't matter. Going to be a hectic week, as I said before. The field will need some babying, and we will do just that. Hopefully will be getting my first pay check soon, and I'm excited for that.

To my OX bros--Miss you guys, and love you. Wish you guys were here hanging with me. :)

M-I-Z...Z-O-U Softball....Not so much, ;)


Friday, May 29, 2009

Funny the Way it is When You think about It...

Just a short lyric from the opening song to the Dave Matthews Band concert tonight at Fenway Park. I've been a Dave fan since my freshman or sophomore year of high school. Whenever I learned that Dave was going to be playing at Fenway, I was thrilled. Finding out I was going to be able to make money while watching a Dave show was nothing short of amazing. We got to the park around 4:45 and got dressed for the night. Our boss Dave came in shortly after and gave us the low down on the night. We got free dinner and then headed out to the field to stand for about...oh...6 hours! Watching peoples reactions as they stepped down onto the field was really funny. It's like they've never seen a baseball field before. I'll admit I was a little awestruck walking into Fenway Park and onto the field for the first time. It really does sort of take your breath away. All before the show people would come up to the guard rail and lean over and just look at the infield skin. One lady asked me if the grass was real, I said Yes of course. Others asked for dirt, or a blade of grass. I was instructed to say no, so I did. Willy "im 70 something still playing music and still getting high" Nelson opened for Dave, and well he was Willy Nelson. Nothing too special. A lot of mumbling and off tempo stuff, if you ask me. I picked out these 4 people, 2 guys and 2 girls. I would presume they were on a double date sort of thing. The girls were both cute and the guys, well, they were lucky to have these girls. Ha. Anyways, one of the girls seriously danced from the start of the Willy show till the end of the Dave show. She did the whole, shake your butt, tap your foot dance THE whole time! And of course her boyfriend was one of those who is pretty much embarrassed that his girlfriend is acting like that and annoyed. You could tell he was ignoring her as she would just throw herself into him. Whatever. Nearby there was a younger guy, I would say maybe 21 or 22? He was most definitely one of those guys who thinks he's cool because he has a beer in his hand, not scared to talk to strangers at all, and dancing like a complete goon. Ha.

Now that I've seen Dave play in another state, its easy for me to say that all Dave fans are pretty much the same. They sing to the same songs, know the same songs, smoke weed at a ridiculous amount, and dance like there is no tomorrow. At the end of the show, more and more people came closer to the field, which meant they were closer to me. Couple stories. First, a bigger red head gal walks up to me and says, "Hey. How much money would it take for us to run the bases naked?" I said, "No money would ever pay for that." Another guy came up to me and talked for a bit and then got interrupted by a girl. She tells me that I did a good job tonight and gives me a high five/graze of the hand/handshake? If that makes any since. I have no doubts that my face or side of my face made it into at least 10 pics. I was actually asked to be in a picture, and did. Crazy folks.

Thats about the extent of DMB at Fenway. It was a great show, as always and I heard my favorite song. It was weird not being a fan who paid for the show because I couldn't really dance around or sing to the songs. I did mouth a few words to a few songs though. No work tomorrow but will be back at it on Sunday and then next week. The Yanks come into town in 2 weeks so it will be pretty hectic. Hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather--depending where you're reading from, Its bound to be nice somewhere!

Aunt Mary Kay, Uncle Harry, and Jill--Thanks for the DD card. You KNOW i'll use it.
Mom-thanks for the random note I found today, and the card I got today!

Miss you all.

pretty sure some girl said she was going to kill me tonight, and then asked if I had a lighter,


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Cold/Rainy Day in Boston

Woke up today to a cold Boston. It didn't reach above 53 here all day. Ate lunch in my dorm room, and just hung out for the rest of the day. Wasn't really nice enough to go anywhere, and we were sort of pushed for time since we had to be at work at 4:00. So we just laid around here.

Work was pretty uneventful as well. Not much went down. They bring in a crew to lay the plastic flouring on the field. All we had to do was sit on carts and drive pallets around for the guys to unload. Easy enough 9 hours. Started at 4, ended at about 1:30.

Pretty tired, excited for the concert tomorrow. The stage looks sweet, and very dave matthews band-ish. Dave fans--you know what I mean. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to update tomorrow (or today really) about the concert and how it went! Miss you guys!

10th straight day at fenway park and loving it,


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rainy, boring day.


Was a pretty nasty day today in Boston. Cool-only about 50 degrees- and rainy all day. I went to work at 7:30 and had to dig a trench in right field by Pesky's Pole. Apparently some big chord has to go in the trench so that people don't walk/trip on it. Finished that, got filthy dirty, and then stood and watched them build the stage. A more glorified name for this job would be: Stage Security? Stood there for the remaining of my day at Fenway, with the exception of a lunch break.

Got home around 4:30 and took a hot shower to get warmed up a bit. Layed down and watched TV for a while. Wes and I then went to this burrito place neither of us had ever heard of. Bo Loco. Something very similar to Qdoba or Chipotle. Except for the same price you get a smaller burrito. Maybe we'll go back, maybe not. I feel cool for going there though. After that, yep, we went to Dunkin Donuts. We love it. We're obsessed. It consumes our life. After that we decided to take the T downtown and try to find a pub or something to check out. Well, it was rainy and it took us forever to find one so we decided against it.

Pretty boring day, I know. Hopefully I'll have more to write about tomorrow. Maybe not either. Maybe I used all my cool moments for this week on Sunday. Sorry. Alright, happy hump day everyone, hope it was great. Sorry this is going out so late, but I wanted to have more to write about so I waited to see if anything cool was going to happen.


not a fan of cold rainy weather,


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day off... Sort of

Hey youu Guuuuuys, (sloth-Goonies)

So, I FINALLY got to sleep in this morning. It was magical. I slept till about 10 or so. Woke up, ate a pop-tart and just did nothing till around lunch time. Wes and I got ready and walked up the street a little bit to a food court. It has a lot of different places to eat, very similar to a Mall food court. We both decided on a chinese place. It was so so. :-/ After lunch we went walked around a little bit and went in the Harvard Med School book store. Haha, for some reason that was really funny to me. Then we walked by Harvard Med School, that was very cool. Crazy that such smart people go to school there. Ahh!

We came back home for a while and then I decided I would walk downtown and see what was there. I didn't make it too far, before I get a call from one of my bosses asking me if I want to get some hours in today. I figured, why not? So I continued wandering around, went to a few stores--Urban Outfitters, Patagonia, and City Sports. I didn't walk far enough to see others, but I know their there. Its like a gift in front of me at christmas that I know I can open, but I just haven't yet! I did pass a True Religion brand store, H & M (Mark and Claire). The part of town I went down was really really neat. It was so old fashioned, yet in good condition. There would be little stores on one story, and then down below there would be stairs to a store just below it. I went in to work at 4 and stayed till 9:20 or so. So, I kept my streak alive with 8 straight days at Fenway! The stage for the DMB concert is pretty well put up. I would assume they'll start on electronics and the flooring tomorrow or the next day.

Im going to take a shower, and watch some TV. YES! Wes scored us a TV last night from some girl. So now we don't have to sit in silence all the time. Praise Jesus!

Alright, awesome. Hope everyone had a great Tuesday, and for some of you, your first day back this week. I think you all are great and miss you.

almost got ran over by a sweet old man on a motorized cart,

Phil :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Una Semana

My dear bloggees, (bloggers? bloggees? bloggees.)

Yes yes, it has been 1 week since I arrived in Boston, Massachusetts . As I look back and remember what I wrote each day, I'd have to say that it has gotten better and better each day. I get to know more of the workers, I get a feel for Fenway and Boston, my boss is starting to realize that I am not a crappy worker and oh yea, I work at the oldest baseball stadium still standing. I have worked every day since last Tuesday which adds up to a whopping 70 hrs or so. Tomorrow, I get a day off! Hooray.

Today was rather uneventful. We are having 2 concerts this upcoming weekend so we started to prepare for those. Who's coming in town? Oh yea, I almost forgot. Mr. David J Matthews and friends will be at Fenway Park Friday and Saturday night, and Phish (sp?) will be there on Sunday. With that comes a lot of preparation: building a stage, putting temporary floor down in the outfield, sound checks, lights, all of that. Good thing we don't have to do ANY of it!! They actually have crews that come in a do it all. The best part about it is that all we have to do is stand alongside the grass and make sure no one walks on, drives a fork lift on, or mingles on the grass. I did a lot of that today, stood for a total of 4 hours or so just watching as they erected a massive stage into center field near the green monster. The only downfall with that is the grass will die and we will have to work our butts off to get it green and growing again. It will be a good experience for me and I'm anxious (a little bit) to see how we are going to deal with it.

That was about it for Monday, May 25th. Sorry-nothing too exciting. I supposed yesterdays makes up for that. Yes? Good. Thanks for reading. I love that you all are following so consistently.

Perhaps I'll wander around downtown tomorrow and see what its like. I hope I don't get lost. Surely I won't. But before that comes sleep. And lots of it. One of my bosses today at about 7:30 goes, "Phil get out of here man. Get some sleep, you look exhausted!" And I am! I'll quit wasting your time now. Take care, and have a great Tuesday!

got 2 free meals today--oh how I love the big leagues,


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rain=best time at Fenway yet.

Hi there:

There are no words for what happened today at Fenway Park. As I sit here and try to think of a few, there isn't just one I can use. So...I'll just describe to you, in as detailed of a way possible, what happened today. :)

Like I said yesterday, I went in to work at 6:30. I'm sort of getting used to that now, not cool. Anyways, it had rained last night so the field was covered with the tarp. There was surprisingly a lot of water on it. He sort of explained to us all what we were doing and we did it. When I worked for the Cardinals, we just would walk the tarp running. In Boston, we run. No jog, a run. About 300 ft from home plate boy did my hammys start burning. Not to mention all the water running down my arms, into my shoe and the infield dirt splattering all over our faces. We got the tarp all folded up and went about normal jobs for the day. I cleaned the warning track, not hard just time consuming. Just before we headed up for our "brunch" for the day my boss Dave pulled a few of us new guys aside and talked to us. Basically him and his assistant just gave us the low down on the tarp and how perfect, fast, and consistent we NEEDED to be. Like I said, completely different from AA. Its funny b/c just as in major league baseball you need to be better, faster and work harder; the same goes for grounds keeping at a major league level. Like I said, I had worked with a tarp before, so I wasn't too terribly nervous--but still a little.

Game time came around. We did our thing--pregame set up and all of the above. When we got back to our "grounds crew alley" along the 1st base line, our boss told us that we were probably going to get hit pretty hard by a few thunderstorms. That meant we would have to put the tarp out. The first 1/2 inning went by and then the bottom of the first came along. It started to sprinkle just a little bit, lightning all around. These rain drops were huuuuuge. Someone said it felt like someone was chucking water balloons at us. Haha. Then all of the sudden, it just came, and it came fast. I remember the last thing I saw before I sprinted out onto the field was the 2nd baseman for the Mets just jogging off the field. Like I said, all 25 or so of us just sprint out of this 6 foot wide ally onto the field. I turn left to go to the tarp get in front of it, jump over it so my back is facing the stands and my front is facing the green monster. My jump was a lot more sloppy than how I just put it. Mud all down my legs and body. We all got behind the big roll and started pushing. Hands covered in infield mix, shoes soaking wet, shirts heavy with rain water and cold ran drops hitting my face is really the only thing I felt at that point. The fans at Fenway just erupted in cheers and I quickly felt like I was the star instead of the ball players. We finally got the tarp pushed all the way out and we started to line up along the edge. We did this all in the span of about 45 seconds by the way. When we were all lined up we unfolded the tarp onto the field at the approval of one of our bosses. When we were unfolding the last fold which would then cover the whole field, AGAIN the stadium just erupted into cheer. I really wish I could've seen my face when I was pulling that tarp. Im not saying Im cool or anything, but damnit I felt really freaking cool when I was pulling that tarp towards the visitors dugout. (sorry for the cuss word) We got the tarp over the field, and some guys started to run around to start putting pins in. I did the same. It was still pouring down rain at this point and the infield had standing water all over it. After a few more cheers from some individual fans we had the thing down! We went into the Mets dugout as we were told and stood for lets see...maybe 3 minutes. Who I stood by wasn't important today. So after those 3 minutes our boss instructed us to start taking the pins out so that we could pull it off. Again, just as this morning when we took it off, we took off running at the signal of our boss. Again--Fenway cheered us on as well as some pump of music courtesy of the guys upstairs. We pulled the tarp all the way off and into right field. We sprinted as fast as we could to our alley and started hawling out bags of dry "turface" (the dirt used for the infield). One by one we would bring them out and spread them onto the infield playing surface. As soon as our boss would whistle at us we went to him and he told us where to put it. The field was seriously covered with red as all 25 of us were trying as hard as we could to get this field playable. I think I made about 4 trips back and fourth with 60 pounds/bag of turface in my arms. I felt like a star again, as people made their way just outside of our alley and were snapping photos of us left and right, laughing, and looking at us in awe of how and what we were doing. Words of encouragement were spoken every once in awhile between the crew as was as from some of the fans. We finally got the field playable and rolled the tarp back up. It very well may have been the quickest, yet longest 36 minutes of my life. Thirty six minutes, however that I will never ever forget.

We returned to our alley and they started the game shortly after. Then it was back to real life. We were no longer on the big stage, and were just the Fenway Grounds Crew. We did our job, and we did it well. I had fun today, and its moments like that, that make me want to pursue my dreams even more.

Thanks for reading all that. I hope I kept you excited. It was exciting for me. Wish you guys could've watched it. Apparently I was on tv?

gave high fives to 5 Red Sox players after the game,


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Loooong Days---

First up, sorry for not updating yesterday. I went in yesterday at 8 and stayed till 10:45 or so. Not to worry, I went in today at 6:30 am. Lets just say, Im a little on the tired side. Work yesterday started off with me doing small jobs. Nothing too strenuous. Then I was assigned to something I was rather familiar with: patching and repairing home plate. They do it after the game but we check it again the next day to make sure the clay didn't settle and see if they forgot any. Also we have to repair the batters box. Instead of just chalking or repainting every time, they do it a little different here at Fenway. They keep their base paths very firm and tamp and replace scars each game. We pack it tight with clay and then smooth it off with some water. Later in the day a solution mixed with chalk, water, and paint is added to the clay and sets to dry. When dry all you have to do is sweep the line off come game time. Saves us a lot of time and we don't have to deal with the chalk.

After that I just did normal jobs and set up for BP. If you come in before 1 pm you get a free dinner. So I did that and then prepared for the game. Last night was my first game, so that was fun to see and be a part of. Fenway is quite the place for a ball game. The atmosphere in the ball park is just ridiculous. So much energy. The fans don't leave in the 7th inning. You better believe they stay until the final out. So thats kind of fun. Sweet Caroline in the 8th is pretty excellent too. Left the ball park, talked to the parents, took a shower, and seriously fell right asleep.

Today the 23rd was pretty similar to yesterday. Did a lot of the same things. We had a lot of guys in early, thinking we were going to have to take the tarp off. It was a pretty chili day in Boston. Only topped out around 63 or so. Very cold night. But I like it--little to no humidity. Getting a nice tan. Well nice as in--my arms, my neck, my legs. Everyone was in a really funny mood this morning b/c we went in so early not knowing why. So that made it a little more fun. I've gotta be at work tomorrow morning at 6:30. Game time is at 1:10 ET. I believe its on TBS. Maybe look for it. Not sure if I'll be working the game or not. I've walked through a few cameras thus far, so you may or may not see me. :)

Hope all is well back home, or wherever. Apparently Adam Sandler was in the house tonight. Kind of cool. My boss signed a baseball for a fan tonight. He's famous. I need to do laundry so badddd. Mom will you please come do it for me? Thanks.

William-sorry you didn't make it to state. You're still the fastest Grefrath. Proud of you buddy.

You guys are awesome. I seriously look forward to writing in this every day so you can hear about it. I hope you're enjoying it. If you have any comments, questions, or something you want me to go see. Tell me!


Sleeping to dream,


Friday, May 22, 2009

Long day.

Hey sorry I'm not gonna write a lot tonight. Had a long day at the park. Hope everyone is great and stay tuned for me!



Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Scorcha' at the Ball Park

With the long day yesterday and not having to go in until 3 pm today, I slept in. I woke up around 10 and ate a pop-tart. Hung out around the college for awhile. Did some exploring for a washing machine, found it. Also found a work out facility. I may or may not use that. We'll see :) Ate lunch- some microwave meal. Not great, but not awful. Decided to explore again downtown a bit. Well just outside of downtown. Went to REI, which is like a recreation store. It has a lot of climbing, biking, hiking, camping stuff. I found a nice wind breaker jacket. Its red, and good looking. Came back home and took a small nap. I love naps. Then headed to work. I did a lot of the same things today. Set up some barriers for the media to stay behind and walked nearby pitchers, Tim Wakefield, Daisuke Matsuzaka, and Josh Beckett. Overheard Josh Beckett's conversation, and lets just say it wasn't appropriate at all. So no repeating. Did some trash runs, sifted through some gray clay. Prepared for the game like I did on my first night. This time it wasn't as stressful and it went a lot smoother. Having 1 game under my belt, I think, helped a lot! Oh yea! At some point during or right before pregame I was walking behind home plate and saw Mr. Peter Gammons. Peter is a reporter for ESPN and Baseball Tonight. In person, he is very short, and looks A LOT older than on TV. Still has that same voice though. He was talking to Papi. Probably a few pointers on how to hit? That pretty much sums up my day at Fenway. Not too eventful but yet a good time! Gotta be in at 8am again tomorrow, so I'll probably have Friday night off. Hopefully be able to do some site seeing soon. But we'll see.

Hope everyones doing awesome and ready for the weekend. Thanks for reading!

loving me some chicken queso burrito from Qdoba,


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Full Day in Boston

-Jam Packed Fenway. Right against the Street.
-Ted Williams Statue
-P Garage. I liked it.
-House of Blues. Across the Street from the Park.
-Fenway is on the right here. Green Monster Street. (Left Field)

-Big A Citgo sign. Its seriously soooo big.
-The sign I walk by every day.
-Yawkey Way in about the 3rd Inning.
-Fenway Park, Yawkey Way.

Phil here. Hope you liked the pics. Pretty tired today, as it was a busy day at the ballpark. Wes and I both woke up and went to work at 8am. Was a beautiful day here in Boston, I believe it topped out around 80? I was assigned the task of cleaning the dugouts and camera wells from all the peanut shells, trash, and sunflower seeds the night before. I did some small quick jobs throughout the morning and held the hose for my boss as he watered the infield skin pretty deep. Asked him a lot of questions during that and learned some new things. Was able to talk about other things as well with him and he asked about me and the types of things I like. Like I said before, I never really did a "long" job today. He says that we need to work quickly but efficient. Good motto I suppose. Forgot to mention yesterday that the guys I work with are real nice and cool. They make me feel right at home and are always willing to help out. Today I actually got to work on the mound a bit and patch some holes there. I did this quite a bit in Springfield, except I patched the home plate holes and not the mound. Still, I knew how to do it. Was a bit awestruck as I stood on the mound of Fenway Park and fixed the mound. Excellent. After that it was time for batting practice, so we set up for that and watered the infield skin again. There really isn't a whole lot a groundskeeper can do when the field is being used so Wes and I took the trash out and did some small jobs to keep us busy. We both got off at 4, but Dave said we could wait till 4:30 and catch dinner up in the media dinner room. Great dinner. Mashed potatoes and some meat. Great! The ice cream was ridiculously good. Even topped it off with some Butterfinger shavings!! Oh yea, we eat off of china that has the Red Sox logo and drink from Red Sox cups. Haha. Dennis Eckersley (former A's & Cardinals closer) came in and even ate a meal tonight. I guess he's doing broadcasting now? He was there though, looked pretty good if any of you are wondering. The day was pretty much over after that. I'm dead tired but loving it. Probably WILL be getting some dd tonight and not sure what else I'll do.

It's been a good, long day here in Boston. Hope everyones doing well wherever you are at. Enjoy this nice weather we are having! Miss you all!

hands are dry from the Fenway clay,


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sox are Home


Today was my first day on the job. I woke up, around 10:30, didn't have to be at the park until 2. Hung out around the college for awhile, ate some lunch and relaxed. Decided to get ready for work, and just walk around downtown for awhile. I walked around Fenway a couple of times, people watched, and just got to know the area a little better. There are sooo many people on bikes, and it makes me jealous that I don't have mine. :( Oh well.

So 2:00 came upon me. Or should I say 1:45. I was getting really ancy so I just went in. Waited around for a little while until my boss, Dave Mellor greeted me just outside his office. Very nice guy, and deserves the respect he commands. We talked for about 20 minutes about a lot of things and he just kind of told me what he expects out of me and how to go about working at Fenway. My first job was to get the hose out and unroll it and lay it by first base for Griff, the assistant. Pretty basic I know. Then I held the hose for him--nothing I haven't done. Then we started to set up for batting practice. Again--nothing I haven't done, just had to readjust as they do things differently. Then I got the clay ready for after the game--instead of just putting it into the bucket like we do at Hammons Field, we had to first sift it out...breaking down a lot of the bigger pieces so that it would be smaller chunks. Got pulled away for awhile and went to get my Sox ID as well as my new uniform, sweet team jacket, and hat.

It got a little stressful before the game as everyone was kind of running around and with it being my first time at Fenway I wasn't sure how things went. Yea, I have done games before--but not at Fenway Park. Crazy. Ended up not doing too much but nobody really did. There were so many guys that we all pretty much had our 1-2 jobs and we just did those. After pregame, they sent me home.

Overall cool experience. I'm ready for more tomorrow! Wes and I both go in at 8am. Excited to know what I'll have to do. Doubting, with that start time that I'll work the game. Tonight I did come within 2 feet of Terry Francona, the Red Sox manager. Watched Big Papi run with a huge smile on his face about 5 foot away. And watched as Dustin Pedroia played catch on the infield side grass. Its pretty awesome guys and I think will be a lot better once I get the hang of things up here. A bit nerve racking today--but thats to be expected. Yes?

Hope you guys all had a great day. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers today. I know it helped. If any of you want to send me mail. Do it!! The address of my dorm is below. Awesome. Thanks for reading. More to come, I promise!

finally memorized my keypad number for my dorm room,


Phil Grefrath
Summer Resident
Emmanuel College
400 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115

Monday, May 18, 2009

planes, taxis, legs?

What is up!!

As said below, arrived in Boston at about 3:20. At the KC airport I see Herm Edward just walk right on by. Nothing big. I bought a sandwich at the DC airport. It had a lot of bread, and 2 pieces of turkey. Awesome. Got my luggage, called my dad, texted my mom. Called this "shuttle van" service to come pick me up and take me to Emmanuel College. Come to find out, they didn't have anyone around the area so I had to take a $40 cab there. No big deal, just won't do that again. Made small talk with the cab driver. As in small talk I mean "where you from? Missouri. Working for the Red Sox. Oh its a good city." Thats all. Did a little unpacking and what not got my room situated a bit. Waited for my roommate Wes, to come home and then we went out on the town.

We walked around the area of Yawkey Way and Fenway Park to kind of get to know the area. First saw the big Citgo sign, like everyone sees and says. Its massive and lights up at night. You really don't understand how big it is until you get here. We ended up being able to go into Fenway for a few minutes. I figured out where I needed to go for tomorrow and got to take a peek at the field. Gorgeous. For me it was like seeing a painting or some sort of masterpiece. Pretty unreal. So empty, yet so alive with history. Wes told me about the Red seat in right field--where Ted Williams hit the longest hr. Then a guy walks passed us and says--"thats bull shit". haha--I laughed. We left there, and walked around a little more before stopping for dinner at Chipotle. I know right--flew all the way to Boston to eat Chipotle. It was good, I promise. After that we walked down the street to a Bed Bath and Beyond and I bought some things for my bed. Our room looks pretty great, as his blankets are red and mine blue. :)

We wanted to go out again so we went to Shaws--a local grocery store. Something similar to a Dillons, or Gerbes. As Wes and I got groceries "Boston" by Augustana came on the store speaker. Haha, we both looked at each other and laughed. Was just too perfect and still couldn't believe I was there. Then--yes Stephanie--we went to Dunkin Donuts. It was great. I got a chocolate iced with sprinkles and it was a great end to a great day. Im tired, but ready. I report for work at Fenway Park at 2:00 tomorrow. Not sure what I'll be doing but none the less, it should be great!

Hopefully you made it this far. I'll update tomorrow with how the first day went and whatever else I did. Thanks all of you for your support! You are awessssome. (just like the brand of paper towels we bought today)

Mom, happy birthday tomorrow or today, depending when you read this. Love you.

belly full with a dunkin donut,




Hey e'rbody.  Made it safe in sound to Boston, MA.  Arrived around 3:20.  Took a $40 cab ride to my dorm.  Got checked in.  Called my boss.  I report tomorrow at 2.  Super excited.  

I'll write more later, promise!  Gotta make some runs to the store and stuff.  Thanks for your support thus far!

reporting live from Boston,


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last day in Jeff City

Dear devout followers,

I'll start where I left off. Friday was a pretty uneventful day. My dad and I went to the Jeff City mall to get some things. That statement in itself is just hilarious to me. If you don't know the Jeff City mall is equivalent to a ghost town these days. Nothing special. And if it tells you anything else--I bought 3 shirts from SEARS! Haha. They are comfortable and will look great for work. We also got my eldest brother Sam an edger for his birthday. After that we went to lunch with my mom at Chilis. That was fun. My dad and older brother Peter bought this crappy house earlier this year/late last year. I told them they should be on "Flip this House" because you should see this thing. It really does look like something off of HDTV. Incredible. Anyways, they asked me to do the landscaping for them, but with me being gone so much for school and whatever else I really haven't found the time to contribute. So Dad and I went and got some flowers, topsoil and mulch and I planted some flower beds for them. I must say, it gave the place some extreme curb appeal. That was Friday.

Yesterday my eldest brother Sam and sister in law Kara came home for a wedding shower for a soon to be cousin. All of us boys however, went to my little brother Will's district track meet. He did really well. The kids never run track in his life and in his first year he runs in 4 events with the fastest kids on the team. God has blessed him with some fast feet. After all of that we all went to dinner at my dads favorite restaurant, El Jimador(s). Yes he sticks an "s" on the end. We were all pretty tired from the full day we had so we were in bed by 10:30; which is nothing different for me, as I was in bed by then every night of the semester.

Today I say bye to my parents, brothers, dog and Jeff City. I'll stay in KC tonight, wake up ridiculously early and catch my plan at 7:47 am. I'll have a layover in Washington DC and should arrive in Boston at 3:45 or so. I'm almost there! Thanks for reading and perhaps the next time you read, I'll be stuffing my face with donuts! :) What? No way!

xia xia,


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last night in Springfield/Home

Whats up.

So I spent my last night in Springfield last night. It was my friend Kendall's 24th (twenty forwath) birthday yesterday. All of our friends got together for it at a classy restaurant and ate small, expensive portions. No worries, it was a blast and we stayed there for 2 1/2 hours. Ha. I just love my group of friends, and will, no doubt, miss the ones who are leaving me. After dinner we went back to the Nut House (my place of residence) and watched it storm. Myself, and 4 other roommates sat on our wrap around porch and smoked a menthol together. I'll be honest, I've had better. After that we played halo for awhile and by then it was 12 and past my bed time. I woke up this morning to my best friend mark opening my door loudly like he always does and telling me goodbye. Mark, if you read this, and I know you won't congrats on graduating. I'm proud of you! I told Mitch (another roommate) that we would get breakfast in the morning, as he loves to go out for breakfast. So we did. We went to "Toasters". We were most definitely the only ones in the restaurant and the waiter/cook heated my biscuits and gravy in the microwave. Whatever, it was only $2.40. I felt bad for the guy, he looked like a hard working man, just didn't get a lot of business. I gave him a $10 tip. I lied, I gave him 2 dollars. :) After breakfast we came home, and I packed everything up for Jefferson City. Told the remaining roommates bye and was on my way to JC.
I came home to a pretty big framed picture of Fenway Park in the dinning room. Apparently from my older brother, Peter. He hasn't given it to me yet, but they say its from him. Thanks dog. My popps and I went to play golf at the golf course that I grew up working at. Thanks to that place I have knowledge about turf grass and appreciation for the stuff you all walk on every day! My golf game. Absolutely horrible. I MIGHT have been able to beat Tigers Woods' son. He's 1 yr old. As soon as I got home, my Madre and I went for a nice bike ride. We went to a bluff looking over the Missouri river and just enjoyed the view. Was great to spend some time with her. :D

This is where I leave you. It's time for dinner. Haven't had a home cooked meal in, well I don't even remember. Hope you guys are all awesome and enjoying the first part of your summers. 4 days until I'll be breathing New England air. Thanks for following up till now. I'd love to have more followers. Please?

"Gotta get that boom boom boom",


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5 Days.


Hey. Hope you are all great. Finally finished with school besides a silly handball final this afternoon. Love that game. Finals ended up going okay, we'll see how I did later. :) All that aside, I have 5 days till I'm sitting on a plane to Boston, MA! My roommate for the summer, Wes, arrived in Boston on Monday. He has been telling me about some things, and I've been reading his blog as well. Sounds sooo amazing. From seeing Vana White, to spotting Fenway Park on his bus ride in, to meeting up with friends at a 3 STORY APPLE STORE! Yes, I'm obsessed with Apple products, judge on :) He's also shared a little with me about the field and how small it actually is compared to what it looks like on ESPN. His first day of work was yesterday and it sounded pretty minimal. I can't wait to update you guys on what I actually do, and not my roommate, ha. So--I apologize if I'm ALREADY boring you with this blog. It will get better soon, I promise.

Tonight is my last night in Springfield, MO. Its my friend Kendall's birthday so a bunch of my friends and her are going out for a nice meal. Should be fun. I have to say goodbye to 2 of my best friends, Stephanie (feni) and Lauren (butch) tonight. Not just for the summer, but for a long long time. They are moving to Boulder, CO (aka- heaven). Im gunna miss those two. I leave for Jeff City tomorrow morning sometime. I'm excited to see the parents and rest of the family. Popps is taking me golfing on Friday, and I'm sure we'll go for a bike ride at some point. :)

Anyways, 5 days. Thanks so much for following me up till now. I'll be there soon. Please remember to tell your friends to follow.

Peace out boy/girl scouts,


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Single Digits

Its Saturday, May 9, which means I have only 9 days until I leave. Craazy. Worked my last game at the AA Springfield Cardinals last night. Sad night. Love that place. Going to miss you guys!

Anyways, after the game I went to one of my top 5 favorite places in all of planet earth. Dunkin Donuts. I grew up having one on Missouri Blvd in Jefferson City. Since then they tore it down and built a Baskin Robbins. Real mature. So me and two of my friends, Stephanie and Tessa drove 40 minutes to Branson, MO for 6 donuts. Worth the drive? Hells yea. Point of the story being that in 9 days I won't have to drive 40 minutes, but rather walk about 5 minutes, as there is one on just about every corner I'm told.

I guess I'll do some studying today. Its overrated though. Hope everyone has a great saturday! If I don't post anything tomorrow--Happy Mothers day Madre! If you haven't gotten your card, its in the mail--promise. :) All you other mothers out there--same to you!

9 days over and out,


Friday, May 8, 2009


Just ten short days folks. Seems like just yesterday it was like 73 and I was even counting down from that. Good news--found out my room assignments for the summer and room number and such. Apparently I'll be getting a sweet Emmanuel College ID card. :D

Today's my last day at the Springfield Cardinals. A part of me is sad that I'm leaving such a beautiful field where I "grew up" in, where I feel comfortable and know what to do like the back of my hand. But, looking to the future, I hope Fenway will do just the same as Hammons Field has done for me.

Done with classes for the semester. 2 finals left. I can just taste it!! It stormed like crazy here this morning and we all had to go to the basement due to the sirens going off. Hopefully it will clear up by game time!!

Hope you're all great, and look forward to MORE updates :)

Fenway bound,
