Friday, May 29, 2009

Funny the Way it is When You think about It...

Just a short lyric from the opening song to the Dave Matthews Band concert tonight at Fenway Park. I've been a Dave fan since my freshman or sophomore year of high school. Whenever I learned that Dave was going to be playing at Fenway, I was thrilled. Finding out I was going to be able to make money while watching a Dave show was nothing short of amazing. We got to the park around 4:45 and got dressed for the night. Our boss Dave came in shortly after and gave us the low down on the night. We got free dinner and then headed out to the field to stand for about...oh...6 hours! Watching peoples reactions as they stepped down onto the field was really funny. It's like they've never seen a baseball field before. I'll admit I was a little awestruck walking into Fenway Park and onto the field for the first time. It really does sort of take your breath away. All before the show people would come up to the guard rail and lean over and just look at the infield skin. One lady asked me if the grass was real, I said Yes of course. Others asked for dirt, or a blade of grass. I was instructed to say no, so I did. Willy "im 70 something still playing music and still getting high" Nelson opened for Dave, and well he was Willy Nelson. Nothing too special. A lot of mumbling and off tempo stuff, if you ask me. I picked out these 4 people, 2 guys and 2 girls. I would presume they were on a double date sort of thing. The girls were both cute and the guys, well, they were lucky to have these girls. Ha. Anyways, one of the girls seriously danced from the start of the Willy show till the end of the Dave show. She did the whole, shake your butt, tap your foot dance THE whole time! And of course her boyfriend was one of those who is pretty much embarrassed that his girlfriend is acting like that and annoyed. You could tell he was ignoring her as she would just throw herself into him. Whatever. Nearby there was a younger guy, I would say maybe 21 or 22? He was most definitely one of those guys who thinks he's cool because he has a beer in his hand, not scared to talk to strangers at all, and dancing like a complete goon. Ha.

Now that I've seen Dave play in another state, its easy for me to say that all Dave fans are pretty much the same. They sing to the same songs, know the same songs, smoke weed at a ridiculous amount, and dance like there is no tomorrow. At the end of the show, more and more people came closer to the field, which meant they were closer to me. Couple stories. First, a bigger red head gal walks up to me and says, "Hey. How much money would it take for us to run the bases naked?" I said, "No money would ever pay for that." Another guy came up to me and talked for a bit and then got interrupted by a girl. She tells me that I did a good job tonight and gives me a high five/graze of the hand/handshake? If that makes any since. I have no doubts that my face or side of my face made it into at least 10 pics. I was actually asked to be in a picture, and did. Crazy folks.

Thats about the extent of DMB at Fenway. It was a great show, as always and I heard my favorite song. It was weird not being a fan who paid for the show because I couldn't really dance around or sing to the songs. I did mouth a few words to a few songs though. No work tomorrow but will be back at it on Sunday and then next week. The Yanks come into town in 2 weeks so it will be pretty hectic. Hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather--depending where you're reading from, Its bound to be nice somewhere!

Aunt Mary Kay, Uncle Harry, and Jill--Thanks for the DD card. You KNOW i'll use it.
Mom-thanks for the random note I found today, and the card I got today!

Miss you all.

pretty sure some girl said she was going to kill me tonight, and then asked if I had a lighter,


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