Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"The Feeshies Hurt Mah Eyes!!"


SO I woke up this morning to the sound of 2 girls making donuts in the kitchen. Our room is connected to the community kitchen and only a door separates the two. Of course I sleep by the door and pretty much wake up anytime anyone goes in there. The girls were talking way too loud for 8:00 am and I wasn't sooo happy. I got over it though. Went to work at 12 today and did a lot of the same things. We have been rolling in the pattern the last two days so that it will "pop" a little more when on TV and for the fans at the stadium. While I was doing this my boss asked if I could come in tomorrow a little earlier to work on a logo that we'll be putting in centerfield. Not sure what it is yet, probably a number or something. I have experience doing it though, as I put an "STL" and a Texas League Logo in at Hammons Field. I'm anxious to see what and how he's planning on having us do it here.

I stayed for Pregame and then left shortly after that for the day. I wanted to get some laundry done but the stupid quarter machine wouldn't work. :( Oh well. It was fun to see the Marlins today. The team is really young, so I'm sure for most of them it was their first time being at Fenway since they're in the NL. They took an extra bp earlier this afternoon to get used to playing balls off the Green Monsta. I threw a batting practice ball to one of the fans who said she dropped it. Normally I would never do that and know never to do that but I guess I just wasn't thinking? My boss was even out on the field, and my 3rd boss told me that if he would have seen me I would have gotten in trouble. I guess you're supposed to let the players give them the balls or something--lame. Rule broken at Fenway Park--Number 1.

Field looks great, keep an eye on highlights of tomorrows game, as you might see the logo we are going to put in. It's not there yet though so don't go looking yet. Hope you're Tuesdays were great. Miss you guys all a lot, and excited to see some of you soon!!!


not missing the hot, humid days of Missouri,
