Thursday, June 25, 2009


Whats up,

Went to work bright and EARLY at 6 this morning. Stood and watched for a while as workers set up a huge circus like tent in right field. Like I said, there's a certain event going on this weekend, which is why the tent is necessary. We weren't sure if we were going to be able to do the work we were planning on doing to the infield today or not, because of the rainy weather. We ended up being able to and so the process went. I didn't do all of these things but this is what took place. We had to do the work because of small film of Turface that had built up on the surface of the skin. This happened when we were constantly taking off and putting on turface due to the wet weather. We needed to go in there and till it up to make it a fresh surface again. So we first had to remove all the existing pro red turface from the skin. This took a little while, as there was A LOT on there. After that tillers were brought in and the skin surface was tilled up. Another piece of equipment was brought through and mixed up the dirt even more. A lazer grader was then brought in and the skin got leveled off. After that a roller was brought out and used to firm the skin up nicely. Turface was put on at a smaller rate and then rolled again. After on there it was then cocoa matted to look good as new!! Thats a quick way of explaining an 11 hour day of work.

Like I said, I didn't do all of that. Just when they were starting the tilling process my boss told me to hop on a mower and mow the outfield. The grass was pretty long (3 1/2") so we had to bag it. That meant that I had to use an old Simplicity riding mower (one you would use on your own yard about 10 years ago). Needless to say, not the greatest mower in the world. He told me I had to be lazer beam straight, and well, I wasn't. I was all over the place with that mower, as it was tough to keep steady. Not to make excuses, but everyone said that it was hard to control, so I didn't feel as bad. I ended up just mowing arcs instead of straight lines. It looked okay, but will just be covered up by a sweet pattern in a few days anyways. But I did get to mow--so that was fun. Thats really all I did the rest of the day, because I had to empty the bagger every 2 long!

It was wicked nice here today and I think its suppose to continue to be nice. Lets keep our fingers crossed anyways. No celebrities today...oh well. Ate dinner at a really good pizza place near Fenway. I have the next two days off before I go back on Sunday. On my way back from work I got asked where the nearest bar was. Im happy to say I was able to inform the guy where they were. Never thought I'd be able to give directions in Boston. :) The weekend is almost here, hang in there!!!

missing M. Jackson already,


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