Sunday, June 14, 2009

Last Day off for Awhile

Boys and Girls,

Hey. Hows everyones weekend? Great? Anything amazing happening in your lives? If so, would love to hear on a comment or something. No pressure though--I understand, blogs are a big deal. :D Mine has been great! Having 3 days off in a row has been great and good to catch up on some sleep! Washed my sheets yesterday after having them on there since I got here. I figured it was a good idea to put some clean ones on there. Last night stayed in and watch some baseball, and some movies that were on TV. Mean Girls? Maybe. What? No we didn't watch Mean Girls....:-/

Today I woke up and was in an exercising mood. Here at the dorm we have a pretty decent work out room in the basement. I just stuck to my trusty ole P90x workout routine and did push ups, pullups and sit ups. It felt nice to work out. After that I took a shower and we went downtown to walk around and do a bit of shopping. Bought some souvenirs for a few people back home. Its hard to decide who you will buy things for, and who you wont? How do you do that? I have no idea. Tonight will be a pretty chill night as well. I have to work at 9 tomorrow. It should be a pretty lax day and I shouldn't work too long. The Marlins and Braves head into town this week for a 6 game home stand. After that we have a week and a half off again. Our boss asked us to come to his house and do some mulching for him earlier last week. I think we're probably going to get around to doing that as soon as the team leaves for the road again.

Sorry my blogging schedule has been off. I haven't had too much to talk about lately, so I never know when to write in it. As games start again, I'll update it in the evenings. Have a great week everyone!

was attacked for change by a homeless man inside the mall while eating today,
(he attacked every other single person in there too)

"Rejoice in the Lord, ALWAYS. I shall say it again, Rejoice!"
-Philippians 4:4



  1. I cannot believe it took you that long to change your linens!!!!

  2. You tend to stretch things out a bit when you have to pay 3 dollars to wash and dry them. :D
